Your Local Marketing and Search Engine Optimization Company
Your Local Marketing and Search Engine Optimization Company
Your online reputation impacts your conversions! This means an increase in phone calls, website clicks and direction requests.
Tricia Clements
Your Google Business Profile Expert
I’m Tricia Clements and I help small businesses get found online. Based in Marietta Georgia, I started my business in 2015 focusing on social media and working with pet businesses. That’s because of my passion for pets.
My first job ever was at a local veterinary clinic in Virginia when I was 14, taking care of the dogs and cats, and, yes, shoveling their . No, it wasn’t glamorous, but I loved it! If you’re following me on Facebook, you’ll see lots (and lots) of pictures of my rescue dog, Moxi.
While working with websites and social media, I found that I really enjoyed working with Google Business Profiles, because it has a significant impact on small businesses. In 2020, I rebranded from MuttButs, LLC, to Your Biz Watchdog, LLC, which allowed me to do what I love – help small businesses with their Google Business Profile (GBP). I do still help lots of pet businesses, but now my primary focus is Google Business Profile.
You need to look at your business’s overall online presence, marketing and reputation management, not just one or a few social media channels.
How people perceive your business online matters!
Google Business Profile Expert
Unlike some, I really enjoy a lot of the technical aspects of online marketing and figuring out solutions to your online issues.
I develop solutions for your business’s online identity and reputation; this means I help you grow your business. The more your customer knows, likes and trusts you, the more your sales increase.
My work focuses on your Google Business Profile, Implementing a Review Strategy, Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization), business branding and website optimization.
It can be difficult to determine what area to focus on first for your business online. There are so many shiny new objects that most don’t know where to begin. That’s where I come in and assess your company’s online presence and develop a strategy and give you the education and tools you need so we can grow your business.
I keep up with all the latest changes, trends and features that impact your Google Business Profile so you don’t have to.
Throughout everything I do in my business, you will notice one common thread: As the business owner, I want YOU to OWN your business.
What does that mean?
With online and social media platforms, you don't own the platform, but you need to be the account Administrator or Owner.
When it comes to your website, you should OWN your domain. This is because you are spending a lot of time and money sending traffic to that site. You need to make sure that it can't be taken away from you.
Think of it like a faucet. If you don’t own the domain, the faucet of online traffic can be turned OFF at any time the owner chooses. Why spend time and money sending traffic to a site you don’t own? You shouldn’t!
When it comes to your Google Business Profile, you need to be the account owner.
It boils down to this: I am fervently against tactics that try to take over and control YOUR online identity and reputation. You’re my client and I’m in your corner to protect you, not hijack your online reputation!
You’ll hear me say over and over: “Own it!”
Not sure where you should start with your business? That's completely understandable.
Let's schedule a chat and go over your business's current online profile and see where you want to take your business. This will help determine what strategy we need to implement.
I Put Your Business on the Map
I’ve been actively involved in the WordPress community since 2012, attending and speaking at conferences across the East Coast. When it comes to keeping on top of changing technologies, these connections are invaluable.
I also believe in giving back, whether it’s through the WordPress community or my other passion, helping pets.
I donate my time and tech skills to help a local nonprofit, Pawsitive Supporters. They help homeless and shelter pets in Cobb County, Georgia with their low cost, no cost spay/neuter program (Fix ‘Em Free) and have helped fix over 1200 pets in Cobb since 2018!
I have known the founder, Fran Jackson, for over 10 years and she gives her blood, sweat and tears helping pets. I know when I help them, my efforts are appreciated and not squandered.
Make sure you’re following me on Facebook to see Moxi’s antics. She enjoys barking at the neighbor dogs and watching the “chicks next door” – they fascinate her! I’ve tried to explain to her that she can’t scare them too much or I’ll stop getting fresh eggs for breakfast!
I post so many pictures of Moxi that she’ll be looking for royalty checks soon! She does get enough treats to keep her happy!